
Container Town - Project Details

Project Location Van -
Total Project Area 42.000 m2
Project Date December 2011 - March 2012
Project Status Completed
Project Information General Information on Container Town Project

2000 containers were produced and shipped to the region in a time as short as 2 months after the saddening earthquake occurredat Van in December 2011. Containers in 3×7 m size pre-fabricated at the factory offer standard comfort conditions that meet essential requirements of a family. There is 1 kitchen sink, shower, toilet and a wash basin inside 21 m2 container constituted of 1 bathroom and two rooms. Details of the containers are revised based on the static calculations made for Van climate conditions, and these containers also serve for office, classroom, warehouse, etc. purposes in addition to their utilization as housing units. Products are shipped by motorway and railway.

Product Groups Products Used in This Project
Field of Operation Field of Application for the Project